I was sick for over 4 months with it. On an X-ray it looks just like lung cancer, and many people visiting AZ. have gone back home, and been misdiagnosed to the point of having a lung biopsy. There is a blood test, but only works for about 50% of the people.
There is no vaccine yet, and all animals can get it. How sick you get depends on the amount of spores inhaled, and your immune system. Masks don't work, and the spores can be tracked into your house. Pets are very susceptible to it, as they are always sniffing the ground.
Phoenix, is a hot bed right now because of the dust storms.
If visiting AZ, or CA. Valley's, please make yourself aware of the symptoms.
One plus is, once you get it your usually "immune" but it can't be reactivated in some people with weakened immune systems.
Valley Fever, CDCValley Fever