Valley Fever is not new. It's been around forever. Most folks don't get it or don't even know they have it. Then there are those who do get it and the only symptom is a cough. People have lived and traveled in the SW for many, many years and will continue doing so. It's not like a massive new epidemic going on. It's become a hot news item nowdays because there is now a name for it. Years ago it was just a cough. Same thing as autism and other's been around a long time but it's in the news now because of giving it a name. Remember the 'black mold' scares and news items for the humid eastern areas? Yes, be aware of it but don't be afraid to go to the SW because of it. If you're in a bad wind storm, stay inside. A typical warm sunny day as we've had this January isn't going to give you Valley Fever. Many doctors and scientists live in the SW. Do you think they'd stay here if it was really a big problem? You'll be just fine.