The difference between Valley Fever, and other diseases like the flu,, etc. is, it is so often misdiagnosed . A person comes here for a visit, goes back home, say to some small town in Mich, gets a cough, fatigued, goes to their doctor, doctor gets a chest X-ray, and since VF looks just like Lung Cancer, he orders a Cat-Scan, or a lung biopsy. Trust me it happens.
Even here in Tucson, I went to my Primary care doctor (6 years ago) at the VA, she was new to the area. Ordered a chest X-ray, called and told me that I needed a Cat-Scan, chest X-Ray showed nodules, that could be cancer. I knew what I had and told her I would wait till the FV blood test came back. It was positive for VF. Cat-Scan avoided because I was aware of VF.
So, people can say what they want, but if my experience keeps one person from avoiding the panic of being told they may have Lung Cancer, or undergoing a Lung Biopsy, that's good enough for me.