On one of my first dates with the woman to whom I've been married now for 44 years, we were wandering the pavilions at the state fair when we chanced into the state parks exhibit. You know how big those barns are at state fairs. Anyway, we entered one end and got about ten feet inside when she let out shriek and jumped backward completely out the doorway. It was a solid ten foot jump in a single bound, and no, she did not turn and jump, she jumped backward. It seems she had spotted the snake in a terrerium at the far end of the building.
My DH and I had a similar experience but at the time, he had no clue about my fear and it was our first date. We went to a zoo, walked into an outer ring education building. As soon as we walked in, I immediately turned around and bolted, almost knocking him down in the process. There was a zoo worker with a HUGE snake of some sort wrapped around her - that was the topic for the day. We laugh about it now - but not so funny at the time.