FastEagle wrote:
This letter has been referenced before. It is as incorrect now as it was then.
Good grief :R
Your battle to discredit what Michelin says and the XPS Rib is well known to us and other websites... Nice try though but your reply is incorrect and as usual your clicky has nothing to do with the facts as given in the email to Michelin or the answer from Michelin. If Michelin thought this was a misapplication they would have said so in that email.
Now if the poster had worded his question differently and wanted a direct replacement for his ST235/80-16 E @3500 lbs on his 6000 lbs axles then Michelin has said the XPS Ribs at 3042 lbs was a misapplication in other emails and 1-800 tech line calls members have made on this website.
Which is nothing new.