SoundGuy wrote:
JMO, but a bin is essential for storing a Q and keeping the greasy cooking smells out of my truck (or out of the camper for an owner who stores there). I park our Q120 on the campsite table for use but once cooled put it back in the bin and stick it at the back of the camper - out of sight, out of mind, and the bin keeps my Q clean and free of bugs. Sterilite model #18188206, sold here in Canada as a 114 litre size, in the US as a 30 gal size.

I got one like this at Walmart for mine. Allows other things to be stacked on top.
But I drilled holes in it for ventilation purposes. I Just don't like the idea of closing up the grill - seems like all kinds of things could start growing inside that tub unless there's a little fresh air circulating. Looks like this is a minority opinion - oh well !