Forum Discussion

Bob_Vaughn's avatar
Nov 03, 2015

Supplemental Brake Assist

Is there a brake system for a toad that should be avoided?
  • j-d's avatar
    Explorer II
    We're on our second Brake Buddy. The appeal to me was being able to use it between the two vehicles we used as toads. We still use two, just different ones. In that way it's excellent. Were I to do it again, something like Ready Brute Elite (if that's the tow bar with built in braking from Night Shift Auto) and an apply kit (basically a cable through a hole in the floorboard) in each toad.

    For a single toad, now, I'd want something built in.

    That said, BB's work just fine.
  • I have a Brake Buddy and will continue to use it. However, I would not buy one again. I have had issues with mine.
  • My next one will be a Ready Brake. Someone recently posted a video of it in action. Simple and no electronics to act up or to lock up.
  • I have an Even brake. It's already been in four different toads. No issues. Got it down pat installing and removing. Will probably end up in a fifth toad. For this reason alone. Enough said.
  • As a newbie at towing a toad I just went with the most advertised/popular one called the Brake Buddy which IMHO was a mistake for me.

    yes they all work but some easier than others!

    "I" found over time the Brake Buddy became a REAL pain putting it in and out of a small toad.

    For me I am tall, the car was really small and I just about had to get on my hands and knees to shove the BB in, reach under the steering wheel to put clamp on brake pedal, and set the controls, test it 3 times, etc. etc., etc. :R

    Maybe ok for a weekend camper but I am a full timer so I was putting that darn thing in and out of the toad a lot and it sucked.

    If I had do overs, and/or advice to you, I'd strongly suggest to buy one of the newer types that are automatic in line brake assist for your toad.

    The forums members that have them will chime in with the brand names of them and how they work.
  • None that I know of. If you take the time to learn about each one and its idiosyncrasy anyone will work.