Just read this post. I always enjoy hearing from all the experts on the sway control topic.
You have a good hitch right now. Get it set up properly and weigh your setup to be sure. If you are really paranoid about things by all means step up and get a HA or a PP, they are they best according to many.
Now, the part that really kills me is the idea that a big heavy truck like a 1 ton "can handle" the trailer without a problem. Granted a 350 might not need any WD but all trucks need Sway Control. Sway has nothing to do with the truck, it has everything to do with the trailer. Once a trailer starts to sway it can get ugly in a hurry. If you are towing with a light truck this sway will be transferred to the truck sooner than if you were in a tank but as far as the trailer is concerned, you are still swaying. So, if you want to PREVENT sway, get a WD hitch with built in sway control regardless of the size of your TV.
And, as has been mentioned earlier, if you are happy towing without sway control because you have a big truck and don't need either WD or SC then good luck. I am very happy with my setup but still like the SC because of all the unforeseen possibilities out there. An sudden emergency move, a blow out, a big gust of wind and on and on. There are many very good hitches out there and you have a good one already.
Happy towing.