Forum Discussion

Vintage465's avatar
Dec 04, 2017

Table cloth clips

We are trying to find some table cloth clips for extra thick picnic tables like state parks have. The clips we have go up to about 2". We were at a park last week end that had tables that are 3" thick plus. Any ideas?

  • I took a bike inner tube and cut it into a couple loops for a table. We go the length of the table and it will fit all but the 10' tables.
  • I bet some inexpensive spring clamps would work pretty well (although they might stick out a little more than one really wants). I'd put them on sticking out from the end rather than the side of the table if possible.
  • These

    Go down to Harbor Freight and get 4-6 of their smallest ratchet bar clamps. These work very well on the varied thicknesses of picnic tables.
  • DrewE wrote:
    I bet some inexpensive spring clamps would work pretty well (although they might stick out a little more than one really wants). I'd put them on sticking out from the end rather than the side of the table if possible.

    I use these all the time for all kinds of applications.
  • IMHO the metal clips are the best. They even make them in stainless steel now so they never rust!! Keeps it simple and they WORK.

    Just walk into any camping store, or Walmart. They all carry them.

    I've seen these darn simple metal clips hold down a picnic table cloth in 50 mph winds! :B

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