Free radical
Don't put a ton of faith in the SEC. During the Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme a guy named Mark Papa Lanos or something like that was alerting the SEC that his numbers were impossible compared to the market.
Employees within the SEC were also raising concerns and they were reassigned to different areas. In defense of the SEC they have a hard time Prosecuting big money people like Mark Cuban because they are outgunned on the lawyers. The lawyers can make more money in Silicon Valley and the business side versus being employed by the SEC who doesn't pay as well.
Search and read about the Volkswagen Porsche short squeeze. Musk waste time and energy by hating the short sellers that's what his tweets were about. The only problem with that plan is he had had prior arrangements for financing so that was a lie funding was not secured and he knows it.
There's no way that anyone was coming in to pay $420 a share for a company that has not made any money in 15 years with limited marketability because of the price range of the cars.
Maybe his intent is to drive the share price down to get it within range where someone will come in and put big money into it and then the stock will go up, at that time be long.
But another big part of the story with the SEC is they have to maintain faith in the investment community so it's going to be very interesting to see what actions they take. He's far from clear as it stands right now. He also has National Labor Relations after him because of the comments he made to Tesla workers when they considered unionization. His comments broke National Labor Law. It doesn't matter what you or I think about it there's a law about it