WOW! Wow. What a surprising and so very appreciated response from this awesome group. Thank you to all! Somehow these notification started going to my spam folder, so I didn't realize there were so many new responses. Thank you folks for taking the time to send such thoughtful advice to a total stranger!
We are still thinking very hard about this decision. I appreciate the insight on vehicle repairs, insurance, etc... those were costs I was overlooking. As for the rat race and my 401k... well... I opted out of that lifestyle 7 or 8 years ago, and my boyfriend never entered it to begin with. I have a 4-year degree and participated in my field for several years, but quickly decided that it wasn't the way I wanted to live my life. I've been piecing things together and absolutely loving my adventures ever since! I do appreciate the comments on this subject though - it's always good to have a reality check and to consider the other options/lifestyles out there. But I am certain that the ladder climb is not for me.
I also really appreciate the insight on site rental fees, fuel/utilities, and maintenance emergency fund.
2lazy4U - thanks for the book recommendation, I will definitely check it out. And BeckyIO -- wow! You are great. Thanks so much for your in depth response! It's really great to hear from someone who's more or less in my shoes, so to speak. I'll be contacting you privately as well.
Again, I just want to say a big thank you to this community as a whole. I wasn't sure what kind of a response to expect, if any at all... you're thoughtful advice and comments have far surpassed my expectations. I have a feeling I'll be checking back in soon with more questions and thoughts. If not right now, this is definitely something we will be doing sooner rather than later!