kcmoedoe wrote:
Everyone is missing the biggest cost which is the impact a decision like this will make on their ability to earn in the future and their ability to save for retirement. Most people have a career track. The idea is you start at a low level and eventually you climb the career ladder and earn more as your skills grow. Take a 5 or 10 year hiatus from that career track and all your future earnings will likely be reduced. Also, if you take a 5 or 10 year break from contributing from IRAs and 401Ks the impact is enormous. Traveling while also continuing your career could be a wonderful decision. Dropping out of the 'ratrace", working odd jobs and generally just drifting along is going to have lifetime implications that most likely cannot be reversed should you later decide you made a bad decision.
100% Correct!! I have known a few people that thought they were beating the system by working for cash...Then something happened and they had to go on disability or Social Security. They are barely getting by. If you don't pay anything in...you don't get anything back...Boo-Hoo for them.