RV sales have tanked, it will take some time to shake out and for prices to drop. Runaway inflation, recessions, and sky high energy prices have a huge effect on RV sales. The chart below is wholesale shipments, retail sales numbers lag far behind.
Early 90's recession which was relatively mild overall resulted in a drop of @ 25%.
1999/2000 tech bubble caused a drop of @ 20%.
Recession of 08/09 a drop of 60% by 2009.
My prediction is you will see a drop by 2023 of something close to the aftermath of the 08/09 recession.
600,000 (2021) reduced by 60%, shipments and sales in the 250,000 to 300,000 range. The RV Industry's reputation for producing absolute garbage will help matters none either. At the current time (and prices) one has to be a complete fool to buy one of these pieces of junk.