โJun-21-2013 09:06 AM
โJun-22-2013 06:30 AM
โJun-22-2013 05:18 AM
โJun-22-2013 02:07 AM
CKNSLS wrote:
I obviously disagree. But we agree to disagree. The loss of jobs since I was a kid, and the vastly increase costs of living will have a major impact on disposable income. Houses much more, food more, healthcare through the roof. Do you have any idea what health care costs are for a family of 4 to 5 people? No real increase in wages, quite the opposite, employees working many more hours for the same or in many cases less money. Times are a changing.
โJun-22-2013 01:59 AM
Gale Hawkins wrote:
.....It is nice to know people care but in many cases today we are forgotten when we are no longer a financial asset to others....
โJun-22-2013 01:47 AM
fla-gypsy wrote:
I am afraid we all travel down that lonely road at some point. I am only 56 and the number of childhood acquaintances that have left us is astounding.
โJun-21-2013 10:20 PM
โJun-21-2013 10:16 PM
paulsang wrote:CKNSLS wrote:
I think if an RV owner wants to sell out-now is the time. The baby boomers will be the last generation to care about RVing in any large numbers.
The "Greatest Generation are now the ones who primarily use the RV parks, and they are passing away."
The Generation "Y" and beyond will not have the disposable income to go RVing. The cost of houses are increasing (witness the last 12 months) and then there are always the fuel costs. Then look at the ever increasing prices of food and especially healthcare. The days of pensions are basically over for Generation "Y" and beyond. They will have to provide for their own retirement and hope there is some kind of social security.
Yep, if I had an RV park now is the time to get out.
That statement is wholly unfounded. While there is certainly a cost to be considered, the RV industry is far from dead. I am 45 and retired.
Whenever I am in an RV sales place, there is an amazing amount of people my age in there shopping - usually looking at TT and 5ers. Last week, I stayed in a park where I was the old man...LOL
The industry will adapt to the changing consumer, just like it did for your generation. The dotcom kids made some money, and the smart ones saved it. MY greatest generation father taught me how.
However, healthcare - and the corruption- will be the struggle for future gens alike.
โJun-21-2013 09:46 PM
โJun-21-2013 09:43 PM
CKNSLS wrote:
I think if an RV owner wants to sell out-now is the time. The baby boomers will be the last generation to care about RVing in any large numbers.
The "Greatest Generation are now the ones who primarily use the RV parks, and they are passing away."
The Generation "Y" and beyond will not have the disposable income to go RVing. The cost of houses are increasing (witness the last 12 months) and then there are always the fuel costs. Then look at the ever increasing prices of food and especially healthcare. The days of pensions are basically over for Generation "Y" and beyond. They will have to provide for their own retirement and hope there is some kind of social security.
Yep, if I had an RV park now is the time to get out.
โJun-21-2013 09:15 PM
โJun-21-2013 09:12 PM
โJun-21-2013 06:37 PM
โJun-21-2013 06:30 PM
โJun-21-2013 06:14 PM
CKNSLS wrote:Actually, I think you are way off base. Our business is skewing younger and younger. But we are not a come and stay all summer set of parks. We are on the visit here, see this circuit. Seeing the country will always be in the mix for many people, regardless of age. The sub 30 year olds are actually more in tune with the outdoors and travel than some of the other generations. What was the missing generations were the mall kids and suburbanites, now in their 30s and 40s. But even they are now discovering there is more to life than nightclubs, movie theaters, dining out and the mall. What I wouldn't want to own is a snowbird park, that may very well be a declining market. I am just lamenting the fact that the RV park business is different than many businesses in that you get to know many of your customers on a personal basis. They are with you for days or weeks at a time. You can't say that if you own a dry cleaner business or a car wash. Even other lodging choices seldom have repeat customers who stay weeks on end. It is a unique situation and in the last few weeks it has hit me and my parks pretty hard.
I think if an RV owner wants to sell out-now is the time. The baby boomers will be the last generation to care about RVing in any large numbers.
The "Greatest Generation are now the ones who primarily use the RV parks, and they are passing away."
The Generation "Y" and beyond will not have the disposable income to go RVing. The cost of houses are increasing (witness the last 12 months) and then there are always the fuel costs. Then look at the ever increasing prices of food and especially healthcare. The days of pensions are basically over for Generation "Y" and beyond. They will have to provide for their own retirement and hope there is some kind of social security.
Yep, if I had an RV park now is the time to get out.
โJun-21-2013 06:03 PM
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be
Douglas Adams