Thats one Big A TT. Over 9,000 lbs loaded and 38' long will be a handful for any 3/4-1 ton SRW.
I tow a 31' TT @9600 lbs with a 3500 CTD CC LB SRW and previously with a 2500 Hemi CC LB. TW is 1350 lbs and will squat the rear on both a couple inches +/- 1/4". squats fine but just showing that when you drop 1500? lbs 4' behind the rear axle there's going to be some handling changes.
You won't think the trucks so massive when hitched up and on the road. Winds and semi's will move you around a fair amount.
I would look at a good WDH with built in sway.
I use a Blue Ox with 2,000 lb bars. I just don't crank em way tight.
Equalizer makes a 1600 lb bar WDH
Its a DRW, for what it matters. It also has the automatic leveling suspension but that will come into play more when my Seismic comes in.
I will take a look at your suggestion.
Here is the Curt model I found: