bob213 wrote:
Why would Goodyear print a table for PSI if lowering the PSI damages your tires? If you inflate them according the the weight they are carrying I see no problem running less than the sidewall max of 65 lbs.
I went from GY "G" to GY"H" on my last DRV as I was running at the max on the G's. I contacted GY Tech Support. They said when going up in load range use the chart and add 5psi. They also said it's best to weigh each tire. I did as they said with a few years and thousands of miles on the H's they ran cool and had perfectly even tread depth at time of trade in.
They said proper inflation will give the best ride, tire wear and stopping.
They also said if running stock tires to follow RV's recommended inflation.
YES the chart is there for a reason!
Just remember there is a lot of CYA on this topic!!! A little common sense goes a long way.