Short Story: Repoted to Wal-Mart Auto for a new tire. Ask the kid several times "how much for a new tire"
HE's going on about why they patch instead of plug (Truly I would only use a plug for emergency and then only on a car tire. on my 110 PSI RV tires.. NO WAY)
Finally I showed him WHY I ask about a new tire and he replied "YOU NEED A NEW TIRE!" (Well why do you think I've been asking how much for a new tire?)
Plugging can damage the cord and at 100+_ PSI a plug can ... unplug.
But a patch does not additional damage and can not blow out the hole
But then I've never had a nail hole type failure of an RV tire.. Truck tires (F-350 Custom) yes but they were patched. not plugged as well.. Once the tire guy finally got it off the truck that is (I'd put it on and well his big and I mean BIG impact wrench was not up to removal... I used the wrench FORD provided. that's all folks).
(Ever wonder why a lot of folks don't mess with me?)