smokey_truck wrote:
First time going to tow my jeep, I have roadmaster auxiliary brake. Before starting to tow I plug everything and do the brake test and start to tow, what about I stop in rest area or pull over during night, do I need to test everything again and go or is it ok not to do that?
Any inputs are appreciated.
we call that a "light check". the wife sits behind the wheel of the MH and I stand back behind the toad. using walkie-talkies we test everything...brake lights, turn signals, 4-way flashers and tail lights...ensuring that each functions correctly on both the toad and MH. she then pulls the MH/toad forward a few feet to ensure that the toad wheels are turning freely. this is always the next to last thing we do before leaving a campground or park (the final thing being a final walk-around the MH and campsite). and we may do it again depending on where we stop for lunch on a travel day.
there's no right or wrong way to do it or a rule on when and how often you need to do it other than a daily check before you break camp. if it makes you comfortable to check it more often then by all means do it. I know that when we first started to tow back in 2003 I did it everytime we stopped for more than a few minutes...nervous, I guess. but over time I've become comfortable towing...comfortable but not complacent. every now and then when we're doing our 'light check' I discover a problem. that's happened often enough after 14-yrs of towing to keep me from becoming complacent.