barchetta1 wrote:
I always play music for my dog. I think he will be barky at first but will settle down as the activity becomes normalized.
I hope you're right. As you're aware, campgrounds can be pretty close quarters, and having an unattended barky dog next door is pretty miserable. At least if you're monitoring it with a webcam you can see that it's happening; dogs can smell their owner coming and invariably stop barking before the owner can hear it, so they usually don't even know it's happening.
doxiemom11 wrote:
We leave our 10 gallon heater on electric all the time and it actually runs very little to keep the water hot. You may actually use more power by letting it get cold and re-heating it from cold over and over again. When I am outside by the vent I hear it turn on and shut off and it's usually on for maybe 3 minutes.
Just curious--what kind of water heater do you have? My 10-gallon water heater makes a roaring sound on propane, but it's completely silent on electric. Although I think newer ones may have a relay that might make noise on electric--is that what you're hearing?
I ask because one of the issues I have with Hydro Hot units is the noise they make that nobody ever mentions, and I'm wondering if electric water heaters are now making some sort of racket.
barchetta1 wrote:
My biggest worry: a leak when Im gone. I shut off the water when I leave now but what if I forget and something comes loose? Disaster!
Why not just fill your holding tank and run off that? And if you're
super nervous, you can turn off the water pump when you leave.
I fulltime and never stay hooked up to city water (and don't turn off the water pump when I leave). The sight of those hoses under such pressure makes me nervous, and constant use of the fresh water tank keeps the water in there fresher.