โMay-01-2019 01:59 PM
โMay-02-2019 08:11 AM
schlep1967 wrote:
My advice.... look into a reverse mortgage and stay in your home. Sell the other property for additional income.
โMay-02-2019 07:22 AM
โMay-02-2019 07:10 AM
โMay-02-2019 06:39 AM
sgfrye wrote:
we travel in the south where summers are very hot. i bought the Marcell temp and power monitoring system off amazon because we travel with 4 small dogs. it works flawlessly. wife and i get text alerts, as well as phone calls and emails on our 2 iphones whenever pre set temps are passed and shore power loss occurs within 15 seconds. works off cell phone signal so no wifi needed. monthly subscription but well worth the peace of mind. very sorry for your situation. hang in there
โMay-02-2019 05:55 AM
โMay-02-2019 05:46 AM
scbwr wrote:
OK....I don't know why I'm having this problem....so just go to amazon.com and search for remote temperature monitor for cell phone.
โMay-02-2019 05:00 AM
โMay-02-2019 04:39 AM
โMay-02-2019 04:35 AM
โMay-02-2019 04:33 AM
โMay-02-2019 04:03 AM
โMay-02-2019 02:41 AM
colliehauler wrote:
A RV water heater is safe to leave on. That said it takes a very short time to heat water so you could shut it off during the day and turn it on when you get off work, this would also save a little money.
I use the propane to heat water at the seasonal and shut the heater off of a night so I don't have to listen to it cycle on and off.
It would be great to find someone to walk the dog during the day. I know I would hate to go 8 hours without urination.
Leave the A/C on along with a tv or radio for the dog. This will mask outside noise and the dog will be less likely to bark.
Good luck with your new beginning and remember when one door closes another opens.
โMay-01-2019 02:40 PM
โMay-01-2019 02:33 PM