Okay...I qualify as an old geezer at 67 and closer to 68 than not...
Tell me how you managed your Z-Angle for your lift?
It is an old, old and known attribute for U-Joints AKA Cardan Joints (originator
of this new fangled thing and IIRC...invented around the 17th Century)...but The
Laws of Physics seem to have no age limit...though new ones are found almost every year...
That a single on one end must be sync'd to the one on the other end
of the stick? That is called phasing by some. That to have a constant
speed (RPM) is to have two of them at each end and phased correctly.
That is AKA CVJ or constant velocity joint and that also begets or
allows for higher Z Angles in it's spec (before they become overly
stressed...AKA failure point)

and this is the RPM curve of which the above Z-Angle speaks and the
hint from the CVJ...constant velocity thing...

Oh...going to lose this youngster with my old geezer talk...so am assuming knows little
to nothing in the tech world with his type of verbiage...so depends on 'buying
it' from vendors and it does have a correlation to their price...
Note that this is an free open forum and the advice is worth the price paid...
That many do NOT understand the stuff of this site...mainly the technologies
plainly stated on specifications or implied therein...that there is
a 'R' in most specifications and the understanding or the meaning of
that 'R' is lost to and on them...
Does everyone know what level of kit (bad, good, great, etc) the
previous owner put in on this vehicle the OP is considering?
Were they as knowledgeable or better way to put it...willing to pay
for the best as the last poster/comment above? Or did they just
buy the cheapest kit available at that time?...that did not have
any or enough engineering thought in their design...