falc wrote:
i will be under the towing weight, but not by much.
No you won't. you will be over. That towing weight is with an empty truck. and in truth with an empty trailer you only have 800lb to load. So lets say you put a WDH on, cause you do need it. Weight 60lb. Now you are down to a tow cap of 8040lb. Got a wife? say 100lbs. Now you are down to 7940lb. And how much over 150 do you weigh? Say 50lb, now you are down to 7890lb. Now about kids. Got any? IF so. subtract their weight from the tow cap as well.
Now as to the trailer. 7300lb dry. Think you will need propane? another 60lb to 7360lb. Going to take any food? Add 30lb or so to 7390lb. Grill? Depending on the kind another 25lb, if gas add a a couple gas bottles, If charcoal, add 15lb for charcoal. We are now close to 7435lb. How about camp chairs? 2? 30lb to 7465
Clothes? Easily 100lb. to 7565lb. What about sheets, blankets, pots, pans, silverware, plates, towels, awning matt, and then you will need sewer hose, water hose, and leveling blocks of some kind. So you are over by a couple hundred pounds easy.
And then there are other things I haven't mentioned. What if you carry water, but then you can't do that.
Thing is if you just add 1000lb to the 7300lb trailer. you are over weight, and when you subtract the weight of what you will put into the TV, You are WAAY over weight.
You need more truck.