falc wrote:
i googled it, but it looks like after digging it can pull 11k. I think i can get it for $7500, with 50,000 miles on it in great shape. Should i do it?
Falc, none of these old farts remember towing the same stuff with a carbed 350, drum brakes in back and best case a 14 bolt axle holding everything up! That said, that trailer is right about max wht u want to tow and it will struggle in the Hp dept but set up properly it won't be "endangering your loved ones."
The truck you talk about is a great choice IF you know what you're getting into. Your bro knows or he wouldn't sell it for $7500. Chassis and trans are stout but the 6.0 no has a sordid history. Educate yourself on it first.
BUT at that price if it's what u say it is, I'd buy it knowing I'd be keeping about $5k in reserve to bulletproof the engine.
It will definitely tow that trailer 2x better than the burb you have.