Early professional life was in the controls industry...motion control, robotics,
factory automation, process controls, etc...
One mantra was to design for 'The idiot and gorilla' and 'if it can go wrong or
be used wrong....it will be'
I fear all of these types of systems will continue to dumb down the drivers
Just like the idiot lights we are all provided with...many go out and add their
own gauges to really know what is going on. To then manage it themselves
My anti-sway computer is my mind married with the sensors and actuators (eyes,
ears, seat of pants and legs, arms, fingers, etc)
If I do ever experience or suspect it is just about to happen...my computer tells
the rest of the controls system to initiate the trailer brakes, reduced throttle
and in some instances to increase throttle, keep steering wheel stead with every
so slight changes in steering angle, increase trailer braking while keeping the
TV's brakes OFF, etc, etc....OBTW...I rarely have to touch the trailer
brake control's manual...my TV pedal does that automatically
I'll stick with my anti-sway control system
PS...I do NOT like ABS either and think a false panacea for good driving skills