That video has been around a while, but its still noteworthy for everyone.
Recently, (like in the last year), I've seen and experience more and more aggressive driving on the highways and in cities. I'm beginning to wonder if the people of this country have finally lost all their minds! Yes ... I'm talking to whoever reads this.
There was a news article on television, just yesterday, about a town in Indiana that is having real problems with people stopping at stop lights and stop signs. I've experienced daily driving, being cut off, cars jumping in front of me from drive ways, intersections, and ramps.
I've experienced several occasions when I'm in a straight lane and the guy beside me in the left turn lane would zoom forward and go straight, cutting me off (This actually happened 4 times this week).
Its not so much our driving abilities, its about the other idiots out there. Especially towing a trailer, folks can get even more stupid. I experienced this week two different occasions here someone towing long utility trailers towed by pick-up trucks jumped right out in front of traffic when pulling out of gas stations. Twice! this week! Luckily, I was on the far inside lane
Then there is the risk to us RVers who settle into a world of our own. We are happily buzzing down the highway of life when some absolute idiot comes whizzing out of now where causing us to perform evasive action. It's times like this that truly test the rig we are driving, our set-up, and our own driving skills.
The video reminds us to never take thinks for granted. It reminds us to always be vigilante hitching up correct and never missing a thing. It reminds us to test our own equipment before hitting the road every time. It reminds us to be consistent in our approach to driving.
I have also seen other RVers on the highways driving at extreme rates of speed, zooming through traffic, driving like there is no tomorrow, and every time I see this, I cringe and hope I don't come upon an accident up the road.
Just this last week end, it took my wife and I 4 hours to return home from a 1.5 hour trip. Why? Well, we took our time. We drove secondary roads. We stopped for food. We relaxed. We drove below the posted 55 mph speed limit.
It seems we always take about 3 times longer than expected to arrive at our planned destination spot. I constantly remind my wife:
"It's never about the speed we drive, it's ALWAYS about safety!"
Slow down America! Slow down!