Forum Discussion

Walaby's avatar
Explorer II
May 08, 2020

TSD Fuel Program Update

Got an email this morning from TSD Logistics

Good evening TSD Fuel card holders. We have some great news. TA/Petro has come back to us with some great rates. They will likely be the lowest price out of all of our vendors.

We have also added Kwik Trip and Kwik Star to our discount program with 10 cents off per gallon. We are reaching out to others now to see if we can increase to some of the smaller chains. Our current discount network is TA, Petro, Loves, Road Ranger, SAAP Brothers, Ambest, Kwik Trip and Kwik Star.

Just thought I'd share

  • Ha! It figures...I finally just signed up 10 minutes ago! Well, most stations around here are under $2 right now. A bargain.
    Probably get a good discount when prices go back up again.
  • Exactly !! I knew something had to change. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to use it before it changed. Back to shopping around. I guess it was just too good to be true.
  • gochar wrote:
    All of the Love’s discounts have been reduced to $.16. Basically useless because you can shop around and find for less. The only “real” discount left is TA-Petro.

    I saw that yesterday, now starting to plan for TA or Petro stops.
  • All of the Love’s discounts have been reduced to $.16. Basically useless because you can shop around and find for less. The only “real” discount left is TA-Petro.
  • No complaints about the program here, and I haven’t even put fuel in the RV hauler yet. Filled my transfer tank for $1.41 last week. Dyed off road would have cost 1.68!
  • deltabravo wrote:
    From their FAQ page:

    –Why do you need my Social Security Number? Answer: We do not do a credit check. We ask for your social security number in the event that we cannot collect a payment, we need this number to file a claim.

    For those of you who forgot what you learned in high school language arts, this is called a non sequitur: 'a statement having little or no relevance to what preceded it'. :)
  • LibertyMan wrote:
    Got the same email. I think all of that started when Flying J/Pilot dropped the discounts form TSD card holders. There was a thread somewhere on here about that. Anyway, glad they picked up some more vendors, I love using that card at Loves.

    Loves is a $1.57 here locally .
  • From their FAQ page:

    –Why do you need my Social Security Number? Answer: We do not do a credit check. We ask for your social security number in the event that we cannot collect a payment, we need this number to file a claim.
  • Got the same email. I think all of that started when Flying J/Pilot dropped the discounts form TSD card holders. There was a thread somewhere on here about that. Anyway, glad they picked up some more vendors, I love using that card at Loves.
  • The rest of the email asks that members DO NOT contact the vendors. If you do, and they find out, they will CANCEL your card. Deal directly with them, not the vendor....Dennis