You have experienced a trauma, and the fact is, you may NEVER completely over come it. Years ago, when I was 16, I had an encounter on my motorcycle. The motorcycle when one direction (right into the corn field), and I went the other way, right down the middle of the road! Between lots of skins, road tar that tatooed into my skin forever. I was able to ride the motorcycle home with twisted handle bars, a severely leaking gas tank, and blood gushing from every spot of my body. A trip to that old man that delivered me at birth taught me a lesson by washing those wounds with alcohol and scrubbie, and NO I was not under any sedation. He did that to teach me a lesson. He despised motorcycles and wanted to put me in enough pain I'd never ride again..... WRONG! I did!
Why did I tell you this story? Because every time after that I attempted to get on another motorcycle, I had a real bad case of "nerves" and the closest sit-down bathroom was all I could do! Oh, I rode again, but the "nerves" thing is something I never got over. Funny, I quit riding completely at age 29, and even today, just to look at a motorcycle make me have to "go!" (if you know what I mean!).
Will you ever overcome your emotional trauma? Maybe not! And if not, I think that's OK too. You'll just have to accept your limitation now, and look for a different method. Perhaps you will never be able to drive again. You may even get to the point where you are not even able to enter the motor home without having panic attacks. If this happens, you'll just have to change your life style.
I'm sorry this happened to you, but you don't need to beat yourself up any more feeling bad. Just accept your new limitation and look for an alternative way to be happy! It might mean changing RV's or even going to a -truck-trailer combination, or give up the RV life style completely. Only you can answer that. But it's REALLY OK, and you'll eventually be OK too once you find your 'way'!
EDIT... I'm sorry, drinking alcohol NEVER solved any problems! Hiding a root cause by smothering it with alcohol will only turn you into an alcoholic. Now you'll be a traumatized alcoholic. Alcohol is NOT the answer! AND there definitely is no smiley after this sentence!