Glenalt wrote:
Lynnmor wrote:
dodge guy wrote:
I just bought a 50-30 adapter. I now use it when 50A is available. nice to have! One question I have and I can`t find the one leg of the adapter dead or did they tie the 2 legs together when they go from 50A to 30A?
One leg not used. Be aware that the 30 amp wiring all the way from the plug to the breaker in the trailer is not properly protected.
Probably a dumb question but what do you mean by not properly protected?
Thanks, Glen
He is under the impression that the 30 amp power cord is somehow going to develop an electrical load that will be between a "safe" 30 amps and the "unsafe" 50 amps that will blow the breaker, like it is going to develop a couple of space heaters. If there is a load in the wire, it is likely to be a direct short, which will blow the 50 amp breaker just as fast as it would blow a 30 amp breaker. Don't worry about it. Thousands of us are doing exactly that.
It is exactly the same as plugging a lamp into a 15 amp outlet in your house on a 16g wire (the usual wire on table lamps). The 16g wire is no way able to handle 15 amps, but you don't have a problem.