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timandpeggy's avatar
Jul 22, 2015

VA while travelling

This is my first post, and don't generally post or reply unless asked directly (hate the flaming).

My wife and I are preparing to start full timing. We have the tow vehicle (2013 F250) and are waiting for our trailer (Montana High Country 353RL) to be delivered. We're both retired from the military reserves, and do not yet qualify for Tri-Care.

My wife is rated at 70% disabled, and is still waiting for additional claims to be processed, and I am at 10% disabled, waiting on further claims.

My wife has a requirement to attend therapy at the VA, at this time every 2 or so weeks, plus see a doctor about every 6-8 weeks. The question We have is how does this get accomplished? We're currently living in a house and go to our local veteran center and VA clinic, but how do we do the appointments when travelling? We're planning to stay in one place for as long as 3 months, as little as 1 week.
  • Thanks al for the info. I knew there were others that had done something similar. We'll have an outside medical insurance for urgent things ( illness, injury) and have the VA as the long-lead things as well as the wife's PTSD therapy. We're staying put for a few months then start to head west, Boise and Seattle, and use Seattle as our main for a few months. We're heading to the clinic this morning to talk with our VSO and patient advocate, so it's good to have some knowledge beforehand.
  • First off.....

    THANKS for your service(s)
    Welcome Home!

    We full timed for 7 yrs. and I used VA Medical. Primary was in Sioux Falls due to our 'domicile' address.
    I discussed being a FT RVr with my primary VA Doctor. She wrote me RX's for 90 days with three refills (total of one year coverage). All of my Rxs could be filled/mailed to me thru VA on-line EHealth.

    As we traveled I have used VA Hospitals Walk-In/Out Patient clinics in FL, GA, CA and AZ.
    First had to go to 'Eligibility Office' in each one.....register which involved showing my current VA Med Card in order to be 'part of their system'
    Was NOT allowed to use any 'Community Based Clinic' just hospitals.

    Each yr. had to check in with primary VA doctor and get new set of Rxs.

    Some 'systems' were easier than others....CA being one with some hassle.

    As for the NEW personal experience has been a joke.
    Now have a S&B house, use CBOC in Cottonwood and VA Hospital in Prescott.
    Everything WAS smooth, hassle free until recent issues down in Phoenix VA.
    Then all of a sudden scheduling issues/delays locally. And NEW Choice Card shows up.
    Call the listed number...yes sir you are 'in system'
    No sir you are not authorized
    Yes sir you have new card but you are not approved

    Call local clinic.....Don't know nothing.

    Good luck on VA Care while traveling.
    Discuss with primary doctor now
    Discuss with 'Patient Advocate'-----every hospital has an office
    Discuss with 'Eligibility Office'

    Do NOT go off 'assuming' you will have needed coverage. NOT all places have same capabilities/treatments/services
  • My main VA is in Shreveport,La I have us VA medical centers in WVa, Md, Va, NM,Col and Az all I do is show them my VA card,ita the NEW US Deptartment of Veterans Affairs Card. I am 100% Vet.
  • It sees like they want make it difficult. I have three scrips that are 30 day only, just makes it a pain.

    I had to use an outside hospital and the va was actually very quick to pay. Guess it's just how the stars are lined up.

    And you are correct it has to be a hospital or clinic to register, I had to drive from Vincennes In to Evansville to register.

    And Semper Fi right back at you.

    From the VA website.
    'VISIT US at our Registration Office or any of our VA Outpatient Clinics'
  • we found that as long as you're in the same VA "region" you can go to different facilities with a doctor referral. The problem arises when you go outside the region. (see the VA website for how the regions are configured). We were told we would have to drive to the regional office to register before we could be treated at a community clinic. The regional office was 2 hours away from the clinic. The problem is that their computers are not all connected. We had an emergency in Missouri and the hospital said they called and preapproved treatment but the VA denied they approved it. Took 2 yrs for them to pay it. They told me that he should have driven 2 hours to Little Rock! The new Veterans Choice Program does not apply to travel. Please let us know if you find out anything different. It would be great if it were more flexible. Currently we go to our home base 2x a year for doctor appointments and to get 90 days of meds. Our daughter mails another 90 days of meds when they are refilled.
  • Do you have the Federal Benefits for Veterans hand book? If not get up and get one, it has a State by State VA facilities listed. Give me a PM if more INFO is needed
  • I am doing the same thing, I have to use other clinics when away from Ft Worth.

    You can use any VA hospital or clinic, you just have to register as a temporary patient. Depending on what you need (blood work like me, or whatever) you will get a clinic to go to. I've done it four times and never had a long wait but all I am getting is an INR test.

    This is supposed to change with the new card that was sent out but I haven't tried it and I have a few doubts about it working.

    Call your Hospital that you are registered at and speak with a patient advocate and get a direct answer. three of the times I did went well with no hassle until I met one of the long term disinterested clerks.

    If you have any questions feel free to PM and I will try and help.

    Travel Safe.Bob
  • Sadly your stuck with your primary location. I have been waiting over a year to get my primary doctor close to home. They dont have a reciptrocal system in place. You get sick, go to the ER.