OK Wines....
There are two very related issues here. The vents in a sewer system of an RV are for two purposes.
The vents on the gray water runs are to keep the flow from pulling the traps dry. Those you could cover with an air admittance valve. But the vent on the black tank has to accommodate the outgasing of the biological activity. This is the one you need to get outside.
That black vent does not need to be huge. It can actually be choked to something small and still function. Boats do this all the time because few can afford the 1-1/2 vent through a weather deck.
Now, can you see thought some of the edge of ribs in the steel roof? Get the largest piece of plastic pipe that you can push though there. There may be places between the panel joints that are not nailed, go to one of those. Join that up to you vent header. If you still get anything back, go outside and put a Ell up and another foot of pipe so the draft over the roof takes the outgas away.