While heading south during the winter one year, I asked at an overnight stop if I could rinse the road salt off the coach and toad. The young fellow at the desk said I could, but there was a $5 fee which I paid. While I was working on the coach, the park owner came by and asked me if had checked with the office for permission. I said I had, and had paid the $5 fee. He asked me who was at the desk, and I described the young fellow. He laughed and said he'd be right back. A few minutes later he came back with the young fellow in tow, and the kid sheepishly handed me $5 and mumbled an apology. Turned out he's the owner's son and there's no fee to wash the rig. They just like to know about it so they don't have too many doing it at the same time putting extra stress on the water system. I wonder how many others the kid had suckered with the bogus fee... :)