mdcamping wrote:
K3WE wrote:
Objective here is humor.
I’ve read a lot of threads here- lots of blow-hards...You MUST use white RV hose- green ones are ‘poisonous’.
But as a kid, I drank from them.
Anyway- camping right now, with fancy new white hoses, and the water is ‘big time hose flavored” (eye roll).
Maybe we should use the right ones, but then again, maybe it’s mostly bologna.
Anyway, we’re filling a water jug for drinking directly from the faucet, just because it tastes better.
also drank from those green hoses when I was a kid, didn't where a bike helmet either. (I don't think they had them in those days) learned to drive in a 1967 3 on a tree pickup truck with gas tank directly behind bench seat while my father smoked. Not sure how I am alive today!! :B :B
Same here exactly :B Only I can add that I used to slide down the spillway at 40+ on the slippery moss and algea and built the worlds largest teeter Totter, it went 22 feet high at the seat.