The current crop of dehumidifiers are total junk, do yourself a favor, buy the absolute CHEAPEST priced on you can find that is capable of your square footage or buy tow smaller ones.
Just this spring had to replace a 5 yr old unit that failed, all I could find at Home Depot/Lowes was $450 units in the size I needed..
Yeah ,that new unit failed only 3 months after buying.
Lowes will not help you if it fails, instead YOU must contact the manufacturer, they want pictures of the serial number and the power cord you must cut off.. Then a week later after all the emails and paperwork is done you get a replacement..
We ended up buying a smaller $250 unit on Amazon while we waited on the replacement..
Buy 2, you WILL need a backup..
By the way, name brands do not exist, they are all China made and the brand name is simply slapped on. Quality means nothing.