After reading this, and see how horrible, and stupid it is to buy new. I have to ask. Why do so many of you have to go thru life taking other peoples hand me downs, or fixing other people's trouble. Do you buy new cars??? New trucks?? Do you buy your clothes at the used clothes store? they depreciate as well you know.
I will tell you this. The smell of a new car the first time you set in it... PRICELESS, The smell of a new RV ... PRICELESS. Knowing that no one has ever slept in your bed... PRICELESS. Knowing that if any thing does happen. YOU did it, and NOT the previous owner. And in truth. And I know that many of you have chosen bad dealers. So far I haven't. But apparently many of you have. But the truth is. Knowing that everything will work when you get to the CG, Knowing that it won't leak. is ALSO priceless. and knowing that IF something does go wrong. Like loose threads, or cushions that won't stay put. Your dealer will fix it no questions ask.