NCWriter wrote:
We bought our first retirement RV motorhome in the depths of the Great Recession. Would we have used $100,000+ of our retirement savings for a toy during uncertain times? Get saddled with payments for a depreciating asset while our retirement accounts went south? Heck, no.
We paid half the price in cash for the 4 year old used version. Boy, did we have a fabulous five years seeing the US and Canada for several months a year. Got back 80% of what we paid for it later, too.
I don’t think the new version of that RV would have added anything to our enjoyment. But anybody who thinks the pleasure of a new one is worth it should definitely buy new. It’s all about getting out there, using the RV, and having a great time with no money worries. Plenty of people can do that, whether buying new or used.
The sad thing is when people finance a shiny new RV, have a vision of the family using it a lot, end up not using it much because they are still working and the kids have other priorities, spend money to store-insure-maintain, and end up selling it, stuck with a loan balance to pay off.
When we bought a slightly larger RV (needed more space inside for a big dog), we bought used again and love it. Dealer has been great. Fixed all the little things and some pricey ones before turning it over to us. Still making long road trips every year.
This has been our thinking also, keep a low overhead in the working years, if something were to happen we could get out just as cheap as we got in. Started camping when the kids were about 6 yrs old and all they talk about is the experience, not the material.