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why reply if you are going to be mean?

Seen this many times, but first time it happened to me. I asked a question here because i was looking for personal experience about a location. Instead of helpful info, i get "call the place", really, wow hadn't thought of that. Or get ridiculed by someone thinking i am being cheap and not wanting to spend money to park my 100k combination rig. I was already planning on paying to park at an event venue.
I have sen this many times with other poposters, people respond with unhelpful and downright condescending comments. My experience says these people are building there egos up by making derogatory comments that are intended to belittle the OP! If you have nothing relevant to the posts, don't reply and keep your digital muscles unflexed. These type of people would never speak face to face this way, gutless!

Post count or longevity is not an indication of intelligence.
2017 Winnebago Aspect 27K

The google search suggestion for some reason doesn't come off too well in forums, but it may be offered in a genuine manner, it just doesn't translate. I can sure see it in conversation-you ask someone a question, they don't know the answer-and they say "try google." Conversation goes on, friendly as ever. Sometimes someone picks up phone and does search right there and topic becomes part of conversation.

On forums, it doesn't work as well. There's a (possibly) implication that the question shouldn't have been asked in the first place-go directly to search and learn it alone in peace and privacy. Probably the better forum answer, in general would be to not suggest a search, but to do a link to a well executed search that would prove helpful.

Explorer III
Explorer III
Sometimes people are having a bad day.. For example on March 31 2013 I did not post much of anything... Very bad internet connection for one thing.. and my Wife put the jeep we had just bought into a tree at 50MPH totaling both. (Her and the Jeep,, Tree no signs of damage).

Now that... Is a bad day.

Some people... Have a bad life.

I try not to be one of those (I really do) but some days.. Well the psuedo latin phrase is, as best I Recall... Illigitium non croobundum
(Do not lt the illegitimates grind you down)

The problem is... I also hand in a very political place and there are a lot of Illegitimates there (Well Idiots in any case).

However someone complained about the "Call them" responses... Some days that is absolutly the best information we can give out. I mean it is like the person who came into a store where I spend a few hours a week wanting directions to the tax assessor's office... Could not help them. Have no clue,, Neither did my partner.. But I was able to give 'em the phone number 6663 (I will not post Area code or Exchange) Which I thought was the perfect numbr for the tax man.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times

I try to maintain a positive approach to those "trolls" by reminding myself that without them I have no way to measure how great the rest of us are. So those of you who aren't "trolls", congrats for making a much higher grade!

Nomad II
Nomad II
lanerd wrote:
MFL wrote:
Most forums have several spelling, and grammar professors.

These are the people that don't know the answers to the poster questions, so they try to belittle the poster, by bringing mistakes, to every ones attention.

It makes me wonder what happened to these pitiful people, that they feel the need to do this.


. Chances are that their is a thread out there that covers every singe aspect of the question that was asked.

You mean like me correcting this person's usage of there and their.... and the mispelling of single??? 😉

Yes Ron, but don't you mean MISSPELLING.


Simply roll through the posts and filter out the good stuff. Let the rest go down the drain. There's some good content here, but there is plenty that deserves the drain.

Unless you like to study human nature, the wonderful human ego, etc... 🙂 We as humans are not perfectly polished.

Explorer II
Explorer II
BulldawgFan wrote:
HIlarious that spoon059 and 2oldman show up and post defending the behavior that the OP was talking about. Wondered how long that would take. Classic! That made my day.
Any reason you singled us out?
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

It has been said that ignorance is bliss. I’m stunned by several of the blissful responses I’ve read to this post. It is staggering to see that there are people who actually believe it is their responsibility to correct or otherwise attempt to force their view of how and what should be asked on a forum. It would be much easier for them to just say nothing rather than provide a blissful response. Or if they must respond, just exercise common courtesy, and display a small amount of proper upbringing by answering a person in a civilized manner. It is sad and shocking that there are people who are defending this type of blissful behavior. This is the reason I had stopped visiting this site, and nothing has changed other than those guilty of the offenses are now defending their actions. Sad.

rickeoni wrote:
Not limited to this forum, just seems that there are a higher ratio of curmudgeons on this site. Pink Floyd even has a song about this phenomenon.

When we grew up and went to school
There were certain teachers who would
Hurt the children in any way they could
By pouring their derision upon anything we did
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids
But in the town, it was well known
When they got home at night, their fat and
Psychopathic wives would thrash them
Within inches of their lives.

I stopped paying attention to Pink Floyd about 30 years ago, when I stopped smoking pot.

Many people today are so thin skinned they take plain speaking and directness as rudeness.

Crowe wrote:
On here, or in person, you ask for my not be surprised if I give it to you.

Bingo. I often tell people if you don't REALLY want to know the answer, don't ask me the question.

If a member thinks the OP should go look somewhere else for the answer, it would be a kindness to not say so.

Why? The people who won't take the time to call for a definitive answer are the same people who criticize others when they don't get the answer they want or turn around after a bad experience and say "but you said". If they can take the time to post a question, they can take the time to make a simple phone call.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM. You feel that a post asking for information is to you personally. It is NOT. It is requesting info from posters that have info, not posters that know nothing about the subject. Why not just ignore the post and go on to something of which you have knowledge (if anything does exist)? Everyone will appreciate the forum more.

HIlarious that spoon059 and 2oldman show up and post defending the behavior that the OP was talking about. Wondered how long that would take. Classic! That made my day.
2018 Forest River FR3 30DS
2011 GMC Terrain (Toad #1)
1993 Jeep YJ (Toad #2)
1993 EZGO Marathon 48v

donandmax wrote:
Their called "trolls"


Just kidding.

All internet message boards have resident know-it-alls or posters that do nothing but deride others. You need a thick skin and learn to ignore these types. I find myself falling in to their traps occasionally but then I remind myself that it's impossible to win an internet argument.
2023 Grand Design Imagine 2970RL
2011 F150 XLT 5.0

Cloud Dancer wrote:
donandmax wrote:
Their called "trolls"

This appears to be an invitation aimed at a mean person. But, I'm not falling for it....:B
I will...


Jeff - WA6EQU
'06 Itasca Meridian 34H, CAT C7/350

Explorer II
Explorer II
MFL wrote:
Most forums have several spelling, and grammar professors.

These are the people that don't know the answers to the poster questions, so they try to belittle the poster, by bringing mistakes, to every ones attention.

It makes me wonder what happened to these pitiful people, that they feel the need to do this.


. Chances are that their is a thread out there that covers every singe aspect of the question that was asked.

You mean like me correcting this person's usage of there and their.... and the mispelling of single??? 😉
Ron & Sandie
2013 Tiffin Phaeton 42LH Cummins ISL 400hp
Toad: 2011 GMC Terrain SLT2
Tow Bar: Sterling AT
Toad Brakes: Unified by U.S. Gear
TPMS: Pressure Pro
Member of: GS, FMCA, Allegro

RETIRED!! How sweet it is....