We were at a CG in Oregon a few years ago. Couple arrived at a site across from us with a TC. While hubby went down to the office, the DW decided to be helpful and back the truck into position on the site before he got back. As we were watching, we each mumbled "she's gonna hit that tree!". Sho 'nuf, she hit the tree.... :E Smacked the rear end causing considerable damage. I'd be willing to bet only he drove the TC ever again!
DW won't drive our truck, let alone tow with it because she has meniere's disease (causes vertigo, but she is well past the worst of it). She's otherwise very normally intelligent, at least so she says. :B I'm happy to do all the driving myself as I love it anyway. DW has become an excellent navigator and loves her GPS & apps. I can't imagine towing anywhere without her. She's especially good at telling me when her GPS says I'm going 1 mph over the posted limit. (Oh, and BTW, please don't ask me about the time I wedged our TT between one tree at the front and one at the rear and had to be rescued by the CG's backhoe.)