The freezing temp of a fully charged (KEY PHRASE FULLY CHARGED) is kind of low. like -80 per one source (i've seen 'em -30 and survive, more than once)
BUT.. if you decide to bring it in I have some suggestions.
ONE: paint the wire(s) connected to the POSITIVE terminal RED. Testor's spray works, or nail polish or your choice. IF more than one wire connected to Positive use a bread tie, Zip lock or string to tie 'em all together so you remember to hook 'em all back Also insulate the positive wire (Wrap with plastic or stick e'em in plastic or glass to make sure they don't hit any other metal)
Negative side. Skip the insulation and use (optional) Black paint, again if multiple wires. Tie 'em together.
Next. Clean everything both when you remove and replace.
Now to inside.
There is a myth about batteries on concrete. Don't believe it. (40 years ago or more it was true but not today) But there is still a reason to set the battery on scrap wood.
IF it leaks or weeps it can damage the floor.. Scrap wood is kind of cheap (Like $0.00 cheap) so if it damages the scrap wood... No loss.
A battery tender (Get a good one like a Deltran) can help keep 'em topped off. both in the RV and in the warm storage space. I had a 12 volt system in my house.. that's how I did it. Still have a 12 volt system here in my apartment. But it's a touch bigger than a Deltran Battery Tender (80 amp capable fused at 40)