Forum Discussion

PAThwacker's avatar
Nov 22, 2014

Winter camping trip planned Nov-30 to Dec-2 Concerns

It is 18f out camper is winterized and going to get it ready for a quick jaunt to some hunting grounds on a boondock site. Generator, 1500w heater, full propane, good to go.

My biggest concerns. Snow or slop on roads, salt and the******sprayed on roads and unable to clean the camper till spring. Yeah I'm getting cold feet about using it but. Is the risk worth taking? You only live once, the opening day of PA Rifle. Booning with a campfire, waking at 4am, perking coffee and trekking 4 miles into state land. Yeah that's how I roll, just don't feel like destroying the unit.

No snow or salt has been applied to the roads yet, we had an extended early deep freeze hit us like the rest of the country. Monday it is supposed to be 60. Next weekend 45/30. I have seen balmy 60 or neg 15 blizzard conditions on opening day PA Rifle.