Some of the people I know making (big) money on the Internet are selling their knowledge about how to make money on the Internet. It is a whole new world for a whole new breed of entrepreneurs. It is a lot like multi-level marketing, but without a physical product, the product is information. Many are part of several similar business, and might be multiple web sites, working social media, and services like YouTube. I had no idea about all this until I started traveling alone, meeting affluent people the age of my children who seemed to have no need for a job to enjoy their plush lifestyle, and started talking to them about how they make their money.
All you really need to do is make up a business plan for an interesting new product or service (think Shark Tank), make a great presentation on the Internet, and people will start sending you money to get the business going.
Or you could invent a great new kind of car (or some other product in that price class), put the proposal on the Internet, and start collecting deposits for first deliveries. I've seen evidence of deposits collected for more than five years without any actual production. That would never have worked without the Internet as a sales tool.