Read "The World is Flat" by Thomas Freidman.
In this book he outlines the ten things that have "flattened" the earth. In other words made many things much easier and leveled a lot of playing fields.
One of the big issues that is tackled in his book is how we got to where we are today so that many many people can now work from anywhere.
A couple of good examples; Companies in the US can send their taxes via the internet to companies in India where tax specialists prepare the return.
MRI results are often shipped off to India to be consulted on and diagnosed.
Call centers have been moved overseas to the Philippines and India.
Software development can be enhanced and worked overseas during nighttime here.
These are the big examples....but the same is true for small scale operations. Employees dont always need to be in an office anymore.
I highly recommend that book it's a great read and although it is now ten years old he was right about virtually everything he wrote about.