If you are slighted by someone because they have an expensive rig compared to yours, is that someone you really want to associate with? Someone that shallow, egotistical, and/or self centered? It a character flaw in their personality, not yours. Why try to appease them? Put a check mark in the ‘not fit for human consumption’ box and move on.
Do your own thing. Associate with people that accept people from all walks of life equally. They are a higher cut of people more apt to show their true self, rather than their formulated projection of what they want people to believe. Reminds me of the movie “Meet The Joneses”, which by the way Demi Moore looked absolutely gorgeous in that film. Worth watching for that alone :) But really speaks to the way advertising is pushing more, bigger, faster, expensive, etc, on the masses with no end in sight. There is always something you need more once you achieve the last need or want.
Most people I meet traveling don’t really care what other drive. In fact, many are interested enough to ask for a tour to see what else is available for when their needs or desires change. I’ve gone through most types of RVs as our needs and desires changed over the years. I can’t look down on any of them, because at one time I was them LOL.
So no, don't sweat it. Not your issue.