While I am confused as to why it doesnt matter since it is your question. However you may have a hard time finding an incandescent with a standard base in that low of wattage. Other type bases you should be able to find one.
you might try looking here https://www.1000bulbs.com/category/incandescent-light-bulbs/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw9ZzzBRCKARIsANwXaeIogvRI6bV_b1RZsNlmutYKAxaTmjWNuYeEERVG6he_Ga3TlfeQUlIaApgNEALw_wcB
There are quite a few LED lights with a usb tail such as here
I know this isn't what you are asking about but it is small, portable, rechargeable via usb and can put out a fair a amount of light
I have a couple of their flashlights and they are awesome and rechargeable and you can buy an extra battery if you like the size of a AA type so you can always have an extra charged one around.
2016 Jayco 28.5 RLTS