skipro3 wrote:
happybooker1 wrote:
Camping Not too many weeks ago family across the road from us had an autistic or mentally challenged boy about 7. I thought I would go NUTS from the constant (& I DO mean from about 7a to 9p) gutteral UHN-UHN-UHN this boy vocalized loudly. I mean--it was loud and disturbing. I could hardly enjoy sitting outside.
Then I realized "hey, I only have to listen to this while I'm here. That poor family has to listen to this ALL.THE.TIME 24/7/365." After realizing THAT, I enjoyed my last 2 days so much better.
"There, but for the grace of God, go I."
Well said. Maybe by offering to help out; maybe bring over some firewood, a drink perhaps. My neighbor, who just moved in last year, has a 30-something mentally ill son. He's quite shy about the noises he makes and hides when ever he sees anyone. How awful to live his life I thought, until I took time one day to go over and introduce myself to him. I told him I grew pumpkins and he could come over to pick out a pumpkin when he wanted to. That was months before Halloween. When Halloween approached, my neighbor came over with a quizzical look and question for me; her son told her he wanted to come pick a pumpkin and told his mother I said he could. I confirmed this for her. She told me this was the FIRST time her son had ever made a connection of this complicated of a nature; remembering the offer and even comprehending the concept of the timeline. She thanked me and since then, we have been great neighbors for each other.
It is often simply amazing how such a small gesture has the potential to make such a huge difference in the life of a person. I have a step-son who is mildly autistic, and while he is a great kid, there are times that he beats to a different drummer and what defies common sense to me is perfectly acceptable to him.
Maybe, just maybe...this child is gifted in their own unique way and their parents have to deal with this ALL the time. Maybe they were hoping that a change of scenery would have a change in attitude. Since you didn't take the opportunity to find out what was going on, you might have missed the opportunity to make a positive impact on another person's life.
Maybe they were first time parents and could have used some advise and assistance from a more seasoned family. Thank God my wife had two kids before we added a third to our family because I was clueless and 3 1/2 years later she still gives me alot of sage advise.
It appears that it was a no win situation for all parties involved, but God forbid you or your kids were ever a pain in the butt to anyone else....maybe it was a little thing called karma?