Forum Discussion

Campingdad18's avatar
Jun 06, 2018

Thinking about a trip across country

I am probably being too ambitious based on my set up but
I have been itching to take myself and my family out west for a family camping
Trip. Here are my two major concerns and maybe you fine folks can help me make
the final call on whether or not to make it a reality.

One: I have a family of 5. Kids are 12,10, and 7 and my tow vehicle is a VERY reliable, easy to work on, low mileage (115k), 2002 Cummins 6 speed (yes that means three kids in a quad cab) truck. We tow 1500 Miles/year together in va,nc,wv,and tenn for the last 4 years. I love the truck but it’s not ideal for camping. Loud in the campground, loud on the road, steers like a wagon, and tight for 5 of us but I’m afraid to get rid of it for the reliability factor.
I would think a mega cab cummins or a duramax (06-07) would be a better choice for such a long trip. Or a chase vehicle but that splits us up on the drive which we don’t like.

I have a 2002 sprinter 5th wheel with two slide lead but no bunks. We have to make two kids share a jacknife (uncomfortable) couch and it’s got age but it has been
Solid and reliable both on the road in the campground for 4 seasons now.
Thinking that a 5er with bunks would be a better option for overnite stays during travel
Out and back.

Mainly these two things are hampering my commitment to doing a 30 hour drive to yellowstone or somewhere similar.
What are some of your opinions and remember we are a homeschool family living basically on one salary. Thanks!