pennysmom09 wrote:
Rather a sensationalist post. We winter in central Florida every year and are surrounded by lakes. Common sense will keep you safe. Anyone that walks their dog near water has none. Besides, during the winter alligators are so dormant they don’t bother anyone if you leave them alone.
That’s just it: common sense is often left at home by vacationers. A vivid reminder, especially to those who live in states without gators, that these creatures pose a real threat, is periodically necessary. I will also add that the slow moving St. John’s River in FL is also a gator haven. So much so that they have an annual gator hunt to keep the population in check.
Having lived in FL, AL and TX, I have seen gators emerge from hibernation on warm winter days. They will “bother you” as you called it: attack is a better word. They’re primitive and have essentially 2 instinctual drives: eat and reproduce.
On the b side gator tail is not too shabby. Tastes like a lightly fish-flavored chicken. Pretty good with Cajun spices.:w
NamMedevac 70 wrote:
bgum wrote:
Dumb but true: Friends came to home one evening and asked if I wanted to go frogging. Well since I had never been before (or since) I went. Four adults and two children in boat. We saw a couple alligators and that was when my friend said one can tell the size of the gator by the distance between the eyes. He decided to catch a small one. It turned out to be about four feet long. Naturally he dropped him in the boat and it thrashed around and knocked out all the lights. 12 legs and feet in a boat in total darkness with an angry gator. Well when we finally got the lights back on there was all the adults and one kid in the front of the boat and one 4 year old (sucking his thumb) and the gator in the back of the boat staring at each other.
You can't cure stupid
You got that right:c