Deb and Ed M wrote:
I agree that it never hurts to remind visitors to the south that alligators are a threat. I remember wondering, during visits to FL, why no inland lakes have docks/swim rafts/beaches, etc. Now that I spend my winter there, I know the answer: the only water that is "safe" is a swimming pool. Even if there's no alligators around, there's still flesh-eating bacteria and brain-eating amoebas that lurk... I guess the tragic example is the little boy who was wading at one of the Disney properties, and was grabbed/drowned by an alligator. The sign said "no swimming", and he wasn't. Locals probably understand that "no swimming" means alligators might be present - but the poor kid's family was from Nebraska, I think.
So warning folks that alligators lurk, can run FAST, climb fences, etc is a good thing
There's a good bit more to the Disney episode than has been made public. Cameras EVERYWHERE on Disney property and irresponsible parents can often lead to an issue "going away" .... as this one did once everything was investigated and documented.
Yes, definitely a tragedy, but totally avoidable.