Nov-29-2015 01:09 PM
Nov-30-2015 04:04 AM
Nov-30-2015 03:18 AM
ROBERTSUNRUS wrote:I'm with you on this. I would like the cruise but will drive.
🙂 Hi, we considered taking a ferry until I heard the dog rules. They have to be left alone in your car, truck, or trailer for the entire trip. Your dog has 15 minutes to eat, drink, poop, and pee. If they don't get it all done in the 15 minute limit, they might suffer for hours. To me this is torture. How would you like to be told that you had 15 minutes to take care of all of your daily needs?
At the time, my dog was 13 1/2 years old. ( now 18 years old) I would never make a poor dog do that. I chose to drive, besides the ferry was quite costly.
Nov-29-2015 08:51 PM
Nov-29-2015 01:56 PM
Nov-29-2015 01:36 PM