RVing with Pets
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Carsick dog

Dr. Doug,I’m going to be bringing my granddog home with me for a week. She gets carsick. What can I use for her? I won’t feed her before. It’s a 2-hour drive. She’s a golden doodle. 55 lbs. Thanks!Dale

Dog Lover

We use to own two beautiful German Shepherd dogs who were brothers but had to give them a better home in the country with friends who owned a nice farm as we moved into apartments and they were too large. They then had plenty of land to roam on that ...

New Service Animal Ruling

We've had many discussions about service animal certification and the lack of uniform policy. People have been able to obtain service certification online for dubious causes and that has in turn poisoned the attitude many have when real service anim...

dturm by Moderator
  • 7 replies

Keeping pets safe in travel trailer while “home alone”

Tell me about keeping dogs safe in the travel trailer when they are alone (as in if the humans go out somewhere for a while and want the dogs to stay back and be safe and comfortable). We are new to camping, we have 2 40ish pound dogs, planning a few...

Jas1317 by Explorer
  • 34 replies

burried in dog hair HELP

OK here RV community, this is the most resourceful bunch of people I have ever come across. I need to do something about the dog hair. I swear I have no idea how this dog even has any hair but it just keeps coming. Has anyone ever found any way to co...

Goostoff by Explorer
  • 20 replies

Dr Doug cbd oil verus pain meds

Afternoon Doc, and MembersAs I, was getting ready to send this, I realized CBD oil may not be legal in your state. So you may have no clinical experience. or personal owner experience But if you do, and for, other members, does anyone have any though...

Light hearted story

My sister told me this; A group of 4 dogs would wait for the mailman. When he arrived they would get into his vehicle and ride the neighborhood route then the mailman would drop them off where he picked them up. The problem arose when there was a sub...

The sad part of pet ownership—The sad update

See my post at end for the update.We are probably done traveling for a while, and the longer the better in this case.Our 12 year-old female Sheltie has tumors in her bladder. No fixing it, but we are trying a couple of medicines which may make it eas...

jkwilson by Explorer II
  • 28 replies

Jake Without Jesse

I was so worried when we lost Jesse that Jake would soon follow suit due to a broken heart. I am happy to report I was SO wrong. We lost Jesse a week ago Friday and that night Jake was visibly and vocally upset. Over the weekend he was a lost sole...

Crowe by Explorer
  • 5 replies


I knew that our time would come eventually but when it is staring you in the face you are never as prepared as you think. Lucky our shep/rot mixed was in bad shape Wed morning. Tuesday night he was as energetic as a 13 year old could be. Wed morni...

Jesse has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

The last 48 hours were pretty rough-Jesse started going downhill very quickly-becoming incontinent, walking in circles, losing the ability to walk-so we made the heartbreaking decision to put him down. I am so sad right now. I hope that Jake can pe...

Crowe by Explorer
  • 20 replies

Dr Doug Question

I’m being told by friends that it’s okay to give a teaspoon of puréed pumpkin to dogs and cats for gut health. This is the pure pumpkin not the one with spices and additives. What’s your opinion on this?

Vetting Breeders

We have started the search for a new puppy and plan on vetting any breeder thoroughly. Problem I am having is no matter how I search I cannot seem to find any info. Meeting them and visiting their facility is the highest priority but that is diffic...

Crowe by Explorer
  • 15 replies

"My pet is home alone" tags

This came up on my Facebook feed:https://www.ourpetcard.com/products/emergency-pet-keyring-tag?fbclid=IwAR0UB6-0b33GjpE4ThpiBuznuvCH0MFplkZQJ-SFZFvGwg-VvIVXARuhe98They might come in handy although if you are traveling around I'm not sure how easy it ...

Crowe by Explorer
  • 4 replies