Forum Discussion

jimroach's avatar
Dec 26, 2013

Cat Tower

DW and I are getting two cats, and want to install a cat tower in the Southwind, behind the passenger seat, and bolt it down. I know there is one bolt already for the lounge chair that we will be removing, but want to add at least one more bolt to make sure the Tower doesn't move. Any one done something like this in their rig?

Thoughts/recommendations welcome

  • wny_pat wrote:
    amandasgramma wrote:
    We have a cat tower at home....and 2 13 lb cats.....the tower doesn't move....they have heavy bases. I wouldn't think you need to bolt it down. :)
    That depends on how tall it is, and how hard you push the brake pedal. The passenger's head might be hurting if you stop to fast:S. At least if you have one as high as the one I have in our stick house family room. The cats look down at us as we walk by.
    I guess I never thought of it being used when traveling. Personally, before I'd put a hole in the floor, I'd tip that baby over and lay it on the floor out of the way. And yes, it's not THAT tall...LOL I don't want the cats to have an advantage over me...LOL
  • amandasgramma wrote:
    We have a cat tower at home....and 2 13 lb cats.....the tower doesn't move....they have heavy bases. I wouldn't think you need to bolt it down. :)
    That depends on how tall it is, and how hard you push the brake pedal. The passenger's head might be hurting if you stop to fast:S. At least if you have one as high as the one I have in our stick house family room. The cats look down at us as we walk by.
  • Thanks for all the great input, everyone.

    We will also have a carrier somewhere safe for them. THe DW and I have already added this to our check lists, first where are the cats and last, where are the cats. I definitely think the carrier is the safest place for them, especially when the slides are moving.
  • We have a cat tower or condo or whatever people call them these days in our Class-C. It has three shelves. My husband screwed it into the floor. It depends on how they're made as to how easily they topple. We have 5 in our house and one in each RV. When my male cat took a flying leap onto the one in our sunroom at home, it did topple over - fortunately nothing was damaged and he was not hurt.

    Be very careful with cats and RVs. They're known to bolt out a door which can prove fatal for them. Use a spray bottle of clean water to train them to stay back from the doors. It's so sad to see the cats left behind in CGs. Several Hosts have told me they usually die off when the CG closes at season's end or when winter comes and there aren't enough campers leaving food for them.

    And a reminder to NEVER but NEVER move the slide in or out when cats are loose. Make sure they're in their carriers or closed in the bathroom before moving the slide/s.

    When on the road it's safer for cats to ride in carriers or large cages as they can become flying missiles in an accident or if the brakes have to be used suddenly and heavily.
  • dturm wrote:
    There are many things (mostly door stops and cabinets) that are anchored through the carpet into the subfloor with 3" screws in our Southwind. I would think the chair anchor, if it's like ours, would be enough to ensure that the tree wouldn't move and a second screw would prevent tip over.

    You might be able to fashion a bar that would cross the base of the cat tree and screw the chair anchor with enough leverage to anchor it without any additional screws (the chair anchor is very substantial).

    That's a solid idea Doc! May be you can help Jim put it together!

    OK, OK, Juuuust kidding! ..... :B

    (may be it's a good thing I'm) .... Anonymous
  • There are many things (mostly door stops and cabinets) that are anchored through the carpet into the subfloor with 3" screws in our Southwind. I would think the chair anchor, if it's like ours, would be enough to ensure that the tree wouldn't move and a second screw would prevent tip over.

    You might be able to fashion a bar that would cross the base of the cat tree and screw the chair anchor with enough leverage to anchor it without any additional screws (the chair anchor is very substantial).
  • We have a cat tower at home....and 2 13 lb cats.....the tower doesn't move....they have heavy bases. I wouldn't think you need to bolt it down. :)
    DH built one for our rig, but the post is a 2x2 and it's bolted to the walls (a version of a tower).
    If your chair is next to the door, you might use the net...but if it's away from the door, I doubt it's necessary. Our cats learned quick that they can't go out the door.. :) Have fun!
  • Friends have. Definitely put a netted barrier or enclosure around it so the cats don't leap out the door and run off. A lot of folks have learned that heart ache the hard way. Not all cats travel well. Some do, many just panic.